RBA Advisory is strategically situated to provide the expertise and guidance to help industry players navigate the various organizational/operational issues associated with the growth to improve profitability and productivity.

Our competencies lie in our ability to assist organizations maximize revenue, generate growth and develop sustainable competitive edge through our industrialized solutions. We are positioned as the choice partners of growth in the Nigerian Pension Industry.

We provide strategy development and implementation guide services to organizations in the pension industry who are striving to put their organizational direction into a concise and executable short, medium and long term plans.

We provide highly responsive methods in organizing retreats that focus on areas that vary from vision/mission development and review, strategic goal setting to performance management and skills/knowledge improvement. Our Strategic management retreat is designed to provide opportunities for Board and management to review their organization’s performance and trends and strategize on modalities for improvement.

As an authority in the Nigerian Pensions Industry, we provide business methodologies that can track and measure the performance of an organization. We work out the best way to tactically monitor and manage the Key Performance Indicators with the aid of our business intelligence.

We use our simulation expertise to build simulations, conduct results analysis and get insight to overcome your business challenges. Our consultants are not only RBA experts, they are specialists in process improvements and operations research, ensuring that you achieve maximum value from any project.

We partner with organizations in the Pensions Industry to develop a talent strategy roadmap by using business modelling and industry insight to optimize effectiveness in the area of talent management. By applying workforce analytics, we help every organization set a unique employment assistance program based on their culture and needs.

We provide a framework for managing the effect of new business processes, changes in organization structure or culture changes within an organization. We know that shifting a culture requires a delicate systematic and well planned approach and we can help guide your organization through the necessary transition ensuring you are ready for change.

The Supporting Pillar of the Nigerian Pension Industry