About Us
Retirement Benefits Advisory (RBA) was formed in response to the growing demand for specialised services in the fast-expanding pension and allied industry in Nigeria." The successful implementation of the Contributory Pension Scheme, the introduction of a Workman's Compensation Act, and the re-invigoration of the Insurance Sector have significantly influenced the long-term perspective of the Nigeria Financial Services Sector. The phenomenal growth in the number of participants coupled with the huge savings pose opportunities and threats.
Retirement savings are arguably the most important source of long term savings for any country. On the one hand, their long-term nature makes them vulnerable to various risks while on the other they form a veritable source of long-term financing of the real sector and capital intensive infrastructure financing. This seemingly contradicting juxtaposition begs for a robust enabling environment and expertise to manage the vast resources, being generated, efficiently and effectively.
It is in response to such demand for expertise that well diversified and experienced consultants – in the areas of Finance, Accounting, Economics, Actuarial Science, Law, Regulation/Supervision and, Labor & Human Relations – were pooled to form the Retirement Benefits Advisory Limited to complement the industry efforts.
As the Nigerian Pension Industry has recorded a tremendous success over the years since the reform, the next developmental phase is the consolidation of the past experiences and harnessing relevant lessons. However, the subject of pension has so far not been accorded sufficient importance commensurate with its deserving role in the socio-economic development of the nation. It is on this premise that the Abuja School of Pension and Retirement Planning (Abuja Pension School – APS) is birthed.
The purpose of the School is to advance academic pursuit and define career road-maps in the Nigerian Pension industry and beyond. The first of its kind in West Africa, APS is accredited by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) and the Nigerian Center for Management and Development(CMD). It is a specialized institution, fully committed to capacity development in Pension Administration&Management, Retirement Planning as well as ancillary subjects relevant to the discipline. Visit Abuja Pension School
Our Mission
RBA exists to create value through excellence in research, capacity building, business strategy and advisory services in pension administration (institution) and retirement planning (people)
Our Vision
To be the most sought after specialist and Technical Partner in the growth and development of the retirement benefits industry
Our Model
As a niche-focused advisory firm, we offer our services solely or in conjunction with other reputable service providers. Project-based consulting teams are carefully formed to provide optimal solutions to our clients.
Our Core Values
> Empathy
> Efficiency
> Innovation